Season 3 E4 Mastering Naics code for Online Retail with Karl Lillrud

naics code for online retail

When did Karl start his first company and how?

Naics code for online retail, I founded my first company at the age of 16 in 1996. It was an IT consulting firm, and from the moment I started working on it, I knew that this was what I wanted to do with my life. I dedicated myself to my company and eventually stopped going to school to focus on it full-time.

Since then, I have run a variety of businesses, including the first interior design shop in the Nordic region. These experiences, along with running an e-commerce business in my first year, have shaped my approach to entrepreneurship and given me valuable insights into customer behavior and online commerce. I even built my own e-commerce platform from the ground up, always striving to think outside the box and break the rules.

Now, I enjoy sharing my experiences with others, whether it be through friends or platforms like Inspire. I believe in encouraging people to pursue their passions and have confidence in themselves, rather than just working to make money.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur and public speaker takes time, effort, and a willingness to learn and grow. But with hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve their goals and become a top Ecomerce speaker.

naics code for online retail

How is failure one step closer to success?

Failure is a natural and inevitable part of life, and it can often be a stepping stone towards success. This is especially true in industries like Silicon Valley, where failing is often seen as a learning opportunity and a necessary part of the innovation process. In fact, research has shown that successful entrepreneurs often have a higher tolerance for risk and are more willing to embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

naics code for online retail

One study found that successful entrepreneurs are three times more likely to have experienced failure in their previous ventures, compared to those who have never started a business. This suggests that the willingness to fail and learn from mistakes is a key characteristic of successful entrepreneurs. Naics code for online retail.

In addition to the valuable lessons that can be learned from failure, it can also be a source of motivation. When faced with a failure, it can be easy to become discouraged and give up. However, successful individuals often use failure as a driving force to push them towards their goals. They see failure as a challenge and an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. Kar Lillrud is a successful entrepreneur.

So, the next time you face a failure, try to see it as a chance to learn and grow. Embrace the opportunity to try again, and use your experiences to help you achieve your goals. Remember that failure is not the end, but rather, it is one step closer to success.

Is online business best, or physical?

When it comes to running a business, there are pros and cons to both online and physical models. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the specific needs and goals of your business, as well as the preferences of your target audience.

One of the major advantages of online business is the low overhead cost and the ability to reach a global audience. With an online store, you don't need to worry about the expenses associated with maintaining a physical storefront, such as rent, utilities, and insurance. Additionally, the internet allows you to reach customers around the world, regardless of your location. This can be especially useful for small businesses looking to expand their reach without a large budget for marketing and advertising. naics code for online retail.

On the other hand, physical stores offer the opportunity for customers to interact with products in person, which can be especially important for certain types of products, such as clothing or home goods. Physical stores also offer the opportunity for customers to receive personalized service and support from sales associates.

Ultimately, the decision between an online or physical business model should be based on your specific business goals and target audience. Some businesses may find that a combination of both models is the most effective approach. For example, you could have an online store with the option for customers to visit a physical location for in-person consultations or product demonstrations.

naics code for online retail

What are emerging Trends in this era? 

There are a number of emerging trends in the current era that are shaping the way we live and work. One of the most significant trends is the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in a wide range of industries. While AI has been around for decades, recent advances in technology have made it more accessible and widely adopted in areas such as e-commerce, healthcare, and finance. Naics code for online retail.

Another trend that is gaining traction is the use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in e-commerce and other industries. These technologies allow businesses to create immersive and interactive experiences for their customers, offering a new level of engagement and convenience. However, it's important to note that adoption of these technologies is still in the early stages and may not be suitable for all types of businesses or products.

Another trend to watch is the growing importance of sustainability and eco-friendliness in consumer purchasing decisions. As consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of their purchases, they are increasingly seeking out products and services that are sustainable and have a minimal impact on the planet. Businesses that can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability are likely to see an increase in customer loyalty and positive brand perception.

Finally, the ongoing pandemic has accelerated the trend towards digital transformation, with more businesses moving their operations online and using technology to connect with customers and employees. This trend is likely to continue as the world adapts to the new normal of a post-pandemic world. 

What is some conventional wisdom relevant in the industry that people don't take seriously enough?

Conventional wisdom in any industry is often taken for granted, but there are some areas where people may not be taking it seriously enough. One such area is the importance of data analysis and understanding how to use data effectively. While big data has the potential to revolutionize various industries, it is only useful if it is analyzed and used in a meaningful way. Smart data, which is data that is collected with a specific purpose in mind, can be more valuable than a large volume of data that is not properly analyzed or utilized.

Another area where conventional wisdom may not be taken seriously enough is the importance of customer experience. In the e-commerce industry, for example, it is crucial to make the buying process as seamless and convenient as possible for customers. This means minimizing unnecessary steps and distractions, and focusing on the core elements of the purchasing process. By prioritizing the needs and preferences of customers, businesses can create a positive and enjoyable experience that will keep them coming back.

Overall, it is important to remember that conventional wisdom is not set in stone and can evolve over time. It is always worth considering new ideas and approaches, but it is also important to stay grounded in tried-and-true principles that have proven effective in the past. By balancing innovation with a respect for tradition, businesses can stay relevant and successful in a rapidly changing world.

MVP Concept 

Yeah. The idea of an MVP, or minimum viable product, is quite intriguing, but in Sweden, we kind of absolutely failed at it. That's not how we're taught to do things in school. And to launch something, you must be ready to make mistakes. The MVP principle emphasizes doing the absolute minimum amount of work necessary. You'll need a short window of time to accomplish it. Therefore, whatever you do, attempt to time box it and say, "I only have this much time to do the product that you're about to launch." This will force you to concentrate exclusively on your delivery. Attempt to do things precisely, use some shortcuts, and even shorten the time So, a couple of years ago, I was trying to find my inner inspiration, as I like to refer to it. Over the years, I've worked quite a bit with mind mapping, and I began to connect all these business ideas I had, you know, a huge mind map. So I went into that mind map and simply divided up the various concepts. By doing this, I realized where my natural inspiration came from, and that's what I chose to concentrate on. I decided to launch 12 MVPs, or concepts or products, for a year. So I gave each startup a one-month time limit and launched one every month. After that, I evaluated the impact of each of these ideas to determine which concept or angle I should pursue. And after realizing this, I recognize that the most intriguing thing—for both myself and the audience I was drawing—was related to studying consumer online behavior and comprehending how e-commerce might convert more customers. That's why I choose to concentrate on this subject.

This article is the result of an interview Karl made as a guest on the podcast As an entrepreneur and innovator for 25 years, Karl Lillrud speaks to inspire and educate on subjects related to the future, innovation, and business leadership. Karl is sharing his experiences and the many tools, methods, and workarounds he has developed to force forward in complex situations. He leads e-commerce and online companies to reach the next level with his unique understanding of their business, goals, and challenges. Transforming their online strategy based on global data and market-leading insights as a speaker and mentor. Karl's proven methods for e-commerce growth, are used by over 3,000 companies in more than 100 countries worldwide. His many years of experience give him the advantage of understanding the broader picture, taking initiative, and systematically identifying the best solutions to any challenge or problem. 

Listen to the full episode on this link: Check out the episode:  Season 3 E4 Mastering Online Retail with Karl Lillrud

Interviewed by: Tobin Sydney smith

Co-Host: Debora Zanette

Date: 2 April 2018


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The answers from futurist speakers… questions asked by the audience at the events I spoken at.