UN General Assembly adopts landmark resolution on artificial intelligence

Summarizing introduction.

The UN General Assembly's adoption of a resolution on AI development marks a pivotal moment, setting a global precedent for harnessing AI ethically and inclusively. This document further emphasizes international collaboration, bridging the digital divide, and prioritizing human rights within AI advancements. It calls for global efforts to ensure AI benefits all, reflecting a commitment to sustainable development and equitable technology distribution.

For a deeper understanding, consider exploring the full document linked in the original article on the UN News website.


In a monumental stride towards shaping the future of technology, the United Nations General Assembly has unanimously adopted a landmark resolution on artificial intelligence (AI).

This pivotal action underscores a collective global commitment to steering the development of AI in a manner that safeguards human rights, promotes inclusivity, and ensures that the benefits of AI technologies are accessible to all, particularly those in developing nations.

As we stand on the brink of this new era, this resolution acts as a beacon, guiding the international community towards a harmonious integration of AI into the fabric of societal advancement.

The Heart of the Resolution

At its core, the resolution calls for:

  • Global Cooperation: A unified approach to tackle AI's ethical, security, and development challenges.

  • Human Rights and Inclusivity: Ensuring AI development upholds human dignity and promotes global inclusivity.

  • Sustainable Development: Leveraging AI to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting technology's role in fostering global welfare.

  • Equitable Access: Bridging the digital divide, ensuring developing countries can also benefit from AI advancements.

Implications for Global Governance

This resolution is more than just a document; it's a blueprint for future AI governance. By setting global standards, it guides nations towards coherent policy-making that respects both innovation and ethical boundaries. This approach not only aims to mitigate the risks associated with AI technologies but also ensures that the benefits of AI are shared across the globe, paving the way for a future where technology uplifts humanity.

Towards a Collaborative Future

The UN's resolution underscores the importance of international collaboration. By sharing best practices, research, and resources, countries can work together towards the ethical development of AI. This collective effort is crucial in addressing the complex challenges AI presents, from ensuring privacy and security to combating bias and discrimination.

Engaging with AI's Potential

As we reflect on the UN's resolution and its implications for the future of AI, it's clear that we are standing at the threshold of a new era. This pivotal moment in digital governance calls for informed engagement and thoughtful discourse on how we can navigate the challenges and opportunities AI presents.


The United Nations General Assembly's adoption of a resolution on artificial intelligence represents a global commitment to ethical, secure, and inclusive AI development. This initiative emphasizes human rights, equitable access, and the pivotal role of AI in achieving sustainable development goals. It encourages international cooperation and national framework development, aiming to bridge the digital divide and ensure that AI benefits are shared worldwide.


The UN General Assembly's resolution on AI sets a historic precedent for global digital governance, reflecting a unified ambition to harness AI's transformative potential responsibly. It underscores the critical balance between innovation and ethical considerations, aiming for an inclusive future where technology uplifts every segment of society. As nations and stakeholders align their efforts, this resolution marks the beginning of a collaborative journey towards a future where AI serves as a cornerstone for sustainable development, equity, and human rights.


  • What does the UN resolution on AI entail?

    • It's a global commitment to ethical, secure, and inclusive AI development, focusing on human rights and sustainable development.

  • How does the UN AI resolution address human rights?

    • By ensuring AI development respects human dignity and promotes inclusivity, preventing widening the digital divide.

  • What is the goal of the UN's approach to AI development?

    • To ensure AI technologies are developed and utilized in ways that are safe, ethical, and beneficial to humanity, with a strong emphasis on promoting sustainable development and equity.

  • How will the resolution impact AI's role in sustainable development?

    • By encouraging the use of AI to address global challenges such as climate change, health, and education, aligning technology development with the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • What measures are proposed to ensure equitable access to AI?

    • The resolution likely advocates for international cooperation to support technology transfer, knowledge sharing, and capacity building in developing countries.

  • How does the resolution suggest countries should collaborate on AI?

    • Through sharing best practices, research, and policies; establishing international standards; and working together on ethical frameworks and regulatory measures.

  • What are the implications of the resolution for developing nations?

    • It highlights the importance of including developing nations in the global AI discourse, ensuring they have the resources and knowledge to benefit from AI advancements.

  • How will the resolution influence global digital governance?

    • By setting a precedent for international cooperation and shared principles in the governance of AI, influencing future policies and frameworks at both the national and global levels.

  • What frameworks are recommended for national AI governance?

    • Likely frameworks that incorporate ethical guidelines, transparency, accountability, and public engagement in AI policy and decision-making processes.

  • How does the UN plan to bridge the digital divide with AI?

    • By promoting access to AI technologies and digital education, particularly in underrepresented and underserved communities and countries.

  • How will the resolution affect the future of AI research?

    • It may encourage more responsible, ethical research practices and collaboration across borders, with a focus on projects that address global challenges.

  • What are the security concerns addressed by the UN resolution?

    • Issues such as data privacy, misuse of AI in surveillance and weaponry, and the need for cybersecurity measures in AI systems.

  • How does the resolution propose to ensure the trustworthy development of AI?

    • Through guidelines and standards that promote transparency, reliability, and accountability in AI systems.

  • What role do ethics play in the UN's AI resolution?

    • A central role, ensuring that AI development and application are guided by ethical considerations, respecting human rights and welfare.

  • How will the resolution impact international tech companies?

    • It may lead to new guidelines and standards for AI development and deployment, influencing corporate practices and innovation strategies.

  • What is the timeline for implementing the UN's AI resolution?

    • Specific timelines may vary, but the resolution likely outlines both immediate actions and longer-term goals for global AI governance.

  • How will the resolution be monitored and enforced internationally?

    • Through mechanisms such as reporting requirements, international oversight bodies, and collaborative efforts between UN member states.

  • How does the resolution address AI's impact on employment?

    • By recognizing the need for policies that address job displacement, promote skills development, and ensure equitable access to new employment opportunities created by AI.

  • What provisions are there for privacy and data protection in the resolution?

    • The resolution likely emphasizes the importance of safeguarding personal data and privacy in the development and deployment of AI systems.

  • How does the UN envision AI contributing to education?

    • By enhancing learning experiences, expanding access to education, and supporting personalized learning through AI technologies.

  • What are the environmental considerations of the AI resolution?

    • It likely advocates for using AI to address environmental issues, such as climate change and biodiversity preservation, promoting sustainable practices.

  • How does the resolution propose to tackle bias and discrimination in AI?

    • By urging the development of AI systems that are fair, transparent, and accountable, minimizing bias and ensuring equitable treatment across all demographics.

  • What funding mechanisms are suggested for AI development and research?

    • The resolution may call for both public and private investment in AI research, particularly in projects that align with global ethical standards and societal needs.

  • How will the resolution influence AI in healthcare?

    • By promoting the use of AI to improve healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, and medical research, while ensuring data privacy and ethical use of AI technologies.

  • What role does AI have in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals according to the resolution?

    • AI is seen as a crucial tool for advancing many of the SDGs, from improving health and education to reducing inequalities and combating climate change.

  • How will the resolution affect AI innovation and competition globally?

    • It may create a more level playing field by setting global standards, encouraging innovation that adheres to ethical guidelines and benefits humanity.

  • What guidelines are provided for AI and law enforcement?

    • Guidelines likely focus on ensuring AI is used in law enforcement and judicial systems in a way that respects human rights and legal standards.

  • How does the resolution plan to involve civil society in AI governance?

    • By advocating for inclusive dialogue and collaboration between governments, tech companies, civil society, and other stakeholders in shaping AI policies.

  • What challenges does the resolution identify in AI development?

    • Challenges such as ethical dilemmas, risk of job displacement, data privacy concerns, and the digital divide are likely highlighted.

  • How does the resolution envision the future relationship between humans and AI?

    • As a partnership where AI enhances human capabilities, improves quality of life, and addresses societal challenges, guided by ethical principles and global cooperation.


Source: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147831

All for the greater good and the survival of mankind. As, YES, there is a risk with this development and the development happening in such a rapid speed that we are not perfectly in control of each step.

It is up to us to manage that risk.

As we conclude our exploration of the transformative UN resolution on AI, I invite you to further engage with this topic through my book "AI: Your Second Brain," available for free, aimed at enriching your understanding of AI. Additionally, my daily podcast, "AI by Karl Lillrud," answers your questions about AI, offering a deeper dive into how this technology is shaping our world. These resources are crafted to empower and enlighten, guiding us through the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence together.

Find it all on https://karllillrud.com/

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